Fainting is a natural defense mechanism of the body. This usually occurs when the blood supply and oxygen is very low in the brain. Because of this, the brain functions will be blocked and will also affect other organs in the body.
In most cases, fainting is the way the body facing a terrible situation as a last attempt to minimize the damage that occurs in the body.
In everyday language, collapse is defined as a condition in which people lose consciousness. This can be caused by many factors.
In some cases, fainting does not indicate a serious health problem. However, that does not mean it to be taken lightly.
As reported by the buzzle, there are several causes and ways of dealing fainted, namely:
1. Postural hypotension is a common condition. This happens when someone has been sitting for a while and then suddenly experience a feeling dizzy when standing.
2. Severe dehydration also causes fainting. This is especially seen in children are a lot of outdoor sports during the summer. The loss of fluid is translated lack of blood available in the brain and muscles. Decrease in blood volume is the cause fainting in children.
3. Anemia is a condition of lack of a red blood cells or hemoglobin. This causes a lack of oxygen reaching brain that causes fainting.
4. Any type of change in heart rhythm can result in fluctuations in the amount of blood pumped to various parts of the body or which is called arrhythmia. Condition of the heart valves can also cause arrhythmia, again which can cause changes in liver function. The availability of oxygen in the body's sudden decline can cause fainting.
5. Mild heart attack or any kind of sudden cardiac death can also cause a person to faint.
6. Vasovagal syncope or neurocardiogenic syncope is a condition in which blood pressure drops due to the vagus nerve action and make people faint. This is usually seen when a person suddenly heard bad news or to see bloody images, and others.
7. Fainting during pregnancy is also commonly occur. There are many factors that lead to fainting during pregnancy. Malnutrition, anemia, back for a long time, can cause fainting during pregnancy.
8. Decrease in blood sugar causes a sudden decrease of available glucose for brain function. This can be seen in Diabetics who tend to overdose of insulin. If people lose a close, may be Tempted to take extra insulin dose to make up the missed dose. In such cases, the blood sugar tends to fall suddenly, and makes people become insulin shock.
9. Occupational syncope is fainting due to a trigger that is the normal body functions, such as coughing, Sneezing, falling off the stool, straining during bowel movements, or others.
10. Electrolyte imbalance in the body can also make a person feel dizzy. This is because the concentration changes in the body fluids and also directly affect blood pressure in the body.
11. Sometimes, someone fainted as a result of an allergic reaction to some medication or treatment.
The symptoms of fainting can be seen when a person experiences dizziness when sitting or standing, nausea, loss of heat, cold, sweating, and pale skin before they were going to faint.
Some people also experience symptoms like fainting blurred vision, visual representation of the spots in front of the eyes and dilated pupils, and a low pulse of 60 beats / min.
In some cases, fainting symptoms in adults such as black stools, heavy menstruation, vomiting, diarrhea and fever.
It could also be symptoms such as palpitations (fast heartbeat and irregular), chest pain, shortness of breath, pulse weak and abnormal, headache, loss of balance or coordination, talk mess and double vision.
Incontinence, confusion, tinnitus (ringing or a sensation exploded in one or both ears), bit his tongue, and ongoing seizures are several factors that occurred before fainting.
The first step should be taken there unconscious is:

1. Restores consciousness by giving smells like perfume or stinging eucalyptus oil.
2. Create a head lower than the feet so that blood can flow to the brain
3. If the victim passed out vomit tilted her head to smooth the path can breath again.
4. If you are aware give water to drink.

But if someone was going to faint could lay down and put his feet up. This will help keep blood flowing to the brain that prevent fainting.
Can also sit down with him and put my head between my knees for some cases can help. If dehydration is the cause of fainting include plenty of fluids to be most useful.
But if it is in a collapsed condition should seek medical help. If the cause is not serious enough, there is generally no treatment is needed.
However, in cases of recurrent can be helped with the help of medication. Your doctor may prescribe blood pressure medications, antidepressants, blood vessels and the use of certain therapies.