Pants In The Electronics for The Elderly

Useful for elderly or disabled that are difficult to take care of him when defecating.
A company in Australia to introduce new innovations that can help the elderly or handicapped who are unable to take care of themselves. Technology called alias SIMsystem panties online or electronically.

According to the daily pages of Australia, The Herald Sun, underwear online was introduced by the company Simavita. Pants were provided a electronic device that can send a special signal to the computer and transmitted in the form of an SMS message or pager.

The technology was useful for the elderly or disabled that are difficult to take care of him when defecating. Sister immediately notified via SMS or pager based on the delivery of signals emitted online underwear charged to those who need it to defecate.

According Simavita pages, it includes a pair of elements that can be replaced, similar to the diaper. There is also a small transmitters inserted in the diaper to detect the sensor through a specific mechanism that can find out if the wearer to defecate. Transmitters that will send a signal to the main computer.

Chief Executive Corporate Simavita, Philippa Lewis, high-tech underwear that will save half the usual time required for the nurses in the care of the elderly.

"We created SIMsystem to provide greater comfort while still maintaining the dignity of the elderly and also reduce costs significantly for the aged-care facilities go," said Lewis, Friday, March 26, 2010.

This technology will be introduced in all elderly nursing in the state of New South Wales, having successfully campaigned in the state of Victoria.

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