Hirsutism is a condition of excessive hair growth on body and face are usually owned by men but occurs in women. This is probably caused by excess hormones called androgens and its main hormone is testosterone. Besides heredity or ethnicity may also play a role, because the amount of hair that grows is determined by genetic factors.
Conditions of hirsutism can be considered as a symptom and not a disease, because the possibility of a sign of medical problems more serious, especially if developed more rapidly after puberty.
As quoted from Medicalnewstoday, Thursday (18/3/2010) sign of hirsutism is the growth of hair on the body pigmentation, rough and appear in places that are not commonly found on women, especially in the face, chest and back.
If hirsutism is caused by high androgen levels may show other signs such as deep voice, acne, balding, rough hair pigment, decreased breast size, clitoral enlargement and increased muscle mass. Should seek medical help if the situation worse and followed by periods of irregular periods.
Some risk factors can increase the likelihood of someone developing this condition is to have a family history of congenital adrenal hyperplasia or polycystic ovary syndrome and ethnic factors. Meditarenia ethnic women, the Middle East and South Asia are more likely to have idiopathic hirsutism.
Hirsutism itself does not lead to physical complications, but this hormone imbalance can lead to problems.
Hirsutism patients experienced more emotional problems, such as the stress of feeling less feminine, thus affecting the appearance disturb confidence and feel depressed because the condition is different from other people.
Treatment can be done to eliminate this excess hair through electrolysis therapy, laser therapy and drug therapy such as anti-androgen drugs, contraceptive pills and topical creams to inhibit hair growth.