Solar Tsunami

Tuesday and Wednesday this sky watchers at high latitudes can watch spectacular scenery, the northern lights, aurora borealis.
That is a sign that the sun had risen from bed length.

The explosion on the surface of the Sun, 'Solar tsunamis', Sunday, August 1st and then ejects the tons of plasma into space. These atoms leads to Earth and potentially create an amazing light show.

"The explosion led to the Earth and is expected to arrive at August 4, 2010," said Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, such as Space page is loaded.

"This is the first explosion that led to Earth in a few years,"
Huge explosions on the surface of the sun or coronal mass ejection observed by aircraft belonging to U.S. Space Agency, NASA, the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which was launched last February.

This satellite image clearly photographed the sun periodically and unravel the mystery of the sun activity that someday could have negatively impacted the Earth.

Scenery aurora is always associated with certain locations, Alaska and Canada. However, this time, sky watchers in the northern U.S. will be able to see the green light to form curtain on Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

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