Obesity in Children Starts caused problems in the United States

Obesity in children in the United States has started to worry threshold. A recent poll said, obesity is the biggest threat to children and adolescents, the highest on the misuse of drugs, smoking, internet security, and stress.

Obesity rates among children and adolescents in the United States soared in the last 30 years. A study in 2008 by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta showed that nearly one in five children aged six to 11 years and 18.1 percent of 12-19 year olds were obese.

More surprising, was the emergence of stress as a major health problem for children, allegedly due to "trickle down effect" as the impact of economic fragility. At this point, parents and children react to sensed changes.

"The economic conditions currently affecting the children, too," said Dr Matthew M Davis, director of the University of Michigan.

Although looked bleak, but David calls this finding positive. "The message about the dangers of obesity and the prevalence of disease among children has actually made it to the American public," said "If we had done this poll four years ago, obesity would not be at the top of the list," he said.

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