Healthy Life-style Japanese Women

Japan has made great strides in treatment of various diseases, such as cancer, stroke, and heart, but their longevity are mostly connected with diet, obesity is low, and the ability to control stress. During the 25th consecutive year the Japanese women's life expectancy is highest in the world, precisely at the age of 86. Following a healthy lifestyle Japanese women that we can steal his knowledge, as quoted from Self magazine:

Consuming seaweed
Actually is a multivitamin, which Containing potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron Zar, iodine, vitamin C, fiber and beta-carotene, and others. Their diet consists mainly of foods derived from plants such as fruits, vegetables, and soy.

Eat fish
Japanese people like tuna, mackerel and salmon, contain omega-3 fatty acids high level. Research has shown omega-3 can reduce the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

Drinking green tea
Based on recent research, those who consumed six cups of tea per day had a 36 percent risk of heart disease were lower than those who drank less than that. Green tea is full of antioxidants, which reduce the effect on bone cancer which resulted in osteoporosis.

Eat more slowly
Japanese people are taught to enjoy every bite of their food (eat using chopsticks also help slow speed). The reason for eating more slowly is the key because the brain takes over 20 minutes to feel full. So, if you utilize your time, you may eat until you are satisfied rather than to the full.

Use a small plate
When you use a small plate or bowl instead of using a large plate, you are more easy to control your eating.

Try the Japanese physical exercise (such as martial arts) and mental fitness. Activities such as yoga and meditation has been proven to not only reduce stress, but also ward off dementia and keep the brain areas associated with concentration and memory.

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