FujiFilm Launches World's First 3D Camera

Cameras three-dimensional (3D) world's first launched Tuesday, August 17, 2010 by one of the world's largest photography company, FujiFilm.

Camera shots that are named FinePix Real 3D W3 can be printed in the paper the three dimensions that can be affixed in the family photo album - or can be viewed directly from the facility that integrates with the camera display.

Special, not like the 3D movies in theaters, do not need special glasses to get the 3D effect.

FujiFilm camera takes two photos simultaneously from the same alias two separate lenses - the same distance with the two human eyes.

Using technology 'lenticular' - the look right and left eyes separately woven in a crinkled surface to create the illusion steoroskopik.

This method has been used since the 1940s in the sticker, for example, which displays a simple two-frame animation - like blinking.

This old technology is now used in products 3D console games and posters.

This new camera is equipped with a video camera high-definition 3D, which allows users to watch the shot in 3D television.

FinePix Real 3D Camera W3 will be on sale from September with a price around 400 pounds.

Meanwhile, for the printing service will soon be launched soon after the launch of the camera.

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