Origami, Super Luxury Yacht

An Italian designer Fabio Federici, recently revealed crazy idea to make a super yacht boats called Origami. He got the idea from the Japanese art of paper folding. The concept of a cruise ship is changing the playing style of paper folding machines for speed, thanks to innovations in the deck are multifunctional, and has folding wings.

When the state closed, compact and aerodynamic design allows the vessel to achieve optimal speed. But when docked, the form of luxury stretched to create a luxurious living room complete with four cabins below. There is also a spiral staircase to the two shaded hammocks on the roof.

In addition, the deck also provides a pool play and three-deck lounge that can rotate up to 360 degrees. So that the guests can enjoy the entire edge of the ocean view.

Fabio Federici innovative design concept was successfully won the Millennium Yacht Design Award. Federici said, the key is to create a yacht that is not conventional by combining speed and luxury.

He added, "I am inspired by the rigid forms of stealth aircraft. Then I got the idea from the main bridge conversion. Then I saw similarities with the origami models.

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