Anticipation in 2012, Build Doomsday Bunker

Although denied by many astronomers about the possibility of Judgement due to asteroid impacts in the year 2012, a company from the United States remains prepared a shelters or bunkers. Companies that try to take advantage of people's fears it offers a refuge from the Resurrection.

Vivos, a U.S. company based in California said they are planning a business project that offers a better life expectancy of an event is approaching mass destruction, as we are told many people about the Mayan prediction that is expected to occur in 2012.

Vivos said it plans to build 20 units of protection bunkers throughout the United States. Every bunker that each area 1858 square meters can accommodate up to 200 people. Bunker will be designed to withstand heat up to 700 degrees Celsius, wind speed 700 kilometers per hour, flooding during the 500 hours, even seismic waves which numbered more than 10 Ritchter Scale.

To build any shelter, Vivos predict the cost of 10 million U.S. dollars with a shelter facility, food, fuel, water, clothing, medical supplies, and security system in it. For those of you who are interested in ordering tickets bunkers, ready to spend just 50 thousand dollars.

"This really is not about 2012," said Robert Vicino, Vivos owners. "Everything can happen tomorrow or 20 years from now. You can not predict, but you can prepare," wrote the company's ads on its site.

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