Sharp LCD Products Change Rules 3D

Developing 3D touch-screen LCD is very unique that does not need to use special glasses. Sharp's 3D TV sure would like a color TV to replace black-and-white TV.

This unique LCD suitable for use on mobile devices such as cameras, cell phones and smartphones. The 3D LCD newly developed separator system is to use parallax to display the 3D image.

That system has a series of vertical cracks are integrated into regular LCD monitor for street light that reaches the eyes right and left, thus creating the impression depth of the image.

3D LCD developed by Sharp is currently experiencing significant improvement in image quality to produce bright images and low crosstalk. This is caused by the use of CG-Silicon technology 3 and optimization of the separator parallax.

CG-Silicon technology able to close distance with a cable the LCD panel that makes much more light to enter. It also doubled the image brightness (500 cd/m2) compared with conventional models.

Sharp has also developed non-touch screen LCD 3D and started mass production in April 2010. Sharp hopes to replace the TV 3 television Dimension 2 Dimension, like color television replaced black and white television.

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