Robot for Post-Stroke Physiotherapy

Paralysis is often experienced after a stroke, of whom at the arms. Now the experts are developing a robot to train the function of motion in that section.
Quoted from the BBC, a team of researchers from Brown University in Rhode Island who discovered the device described it as power steering for the arms. Patient's upper arm to stay put in the tool that is named MIT-Manus, and perform specific movements. Robot will recognize the movement, gave impetus to help if needed.

Many stroke patients feel the improvement of quality of life after assisted appliance. Tests conducted on 127 patients, who on average have had a stroke 5 years earlier. They were divided into 3 groups and given different treatment.

The first group to get physiotherapy with a robot for 3 months. The second group received physiotherapy with the same intensity, but accompanied by the physiotherapist. A third group was usual care only, without intensive therapy.

Observations were made on the ability to perform everyday movements like holding silverware, opening the bottle, to tie shoes. The results, accompanied by physiotherapy with a robot and physiotherapist together provide a significant improvement of movement function.

The experts recognize a stroke in England, this finding is very interesting. But so could not yet widely used, because it is still in early stages of development.

Fisioerapi intensively indeed needed by patients after a stroke, to maximize the recovery of the lost motion function. These therapies need assistance so that the constraints faced by the energy and time required is not small.

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