New Nintendo 3DS

Nintendo was forced to postpone the launch of a new portable game console, Nintendo 3DS, until next year. The failure of Nintendo Co. Ltd. launched the newest toy gacoan, Nintendo 3DS, to the market this year directly to make the performance of one of the world's largest toy producer console was dropped.

According to Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo Co. Ltd., the company predicted would bear the loss of up to 2 billion yen during the six month.

One of the main causes of the slow Nintendo's three-dimensional presence in the market due to a delay of the production process. In addition, the strengthening of the yen helped aggravate the condition of the sale of Japanese products, including Nintendo.

If Nintendo can deliver the Nintendo 3DS at the end of this year, this product will compete directly with games made by Sony Corp. and Microsoft plan would launch his latest product at the same time. You see, launched at the end of the year is the right time because the market is already looking forward to the presence of the latest gaming products.

To be sure, Nintendo will still launch 3DS. Precisely in February next year in the Japanese market, and in March specifically for the American market. Products worth 25,000 yen 12,000 yen more expensive than the Nintendo DS product, can display three-dimensional images without the need to wear glasses in three dimensions.

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