Microsoft employees Bury "iPhone"

A group of people dressed in black looks go hand in hand miss the streets at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Wash., mid-September. A white hearse walked slowly led the procession. Who could figure Microsoft is dead?

Make no mistake, this is not a funeral Microsoft employees or bosses. The Microsoft employee was walking toward a funeral "common enemy" them, ie iPhone.Tandanya, in recent hearse, some people seem to carry the large-sized replica of the iPhone.

Certainly not without reason if Microsoft employees are desperate to hold a theatrical action. Unique action that marked the completion of the making of Windows Phone 7 (WP7), Microsoft's latest mobile operating system. The Microsoft employee really hope their recent work that can displace or even bury the iPhone and Google's Android operating system fib.

Microsoft plans to release WP7 officially on 11 October. Furthermore, the handset that uses this operating system will begin to enter the market in November 2010. Some manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, and HTC Corp. are ready to produce phones based on these WP7.

Many analysts argue, the launch Microsoft WP7 be the last chance to catch up Apple and Google that have market endeavor smart phone operating systems (smartphones) in recent years.

Since long, the analysts are surprised to see how Microsoft and Windows Mobile eliminated from the competition smartphone operating system. According to comScore research data, this time, Microsoft's market share is less than 12 percent in the segment of the smartphone operating system. This means that they are in fourth place after the BlackBerry made by Research in Motion (RIM), Apple, and Google.

Microsoft exclusion in the mobile market and the delays they anticipate the emergence of new products such as iPad has made Microsoft's stock price plummeted. This year alone, Microsoft's stock has plummeted 20 percent.

So, does this new product will succeed? Of course, consumers around the world who will decide.

If we look at a prototype that was shown WP7 Microsoft employees, apparently, this new operating system is far more sophisticated than previous generations. In addition to feature a touchscreen, this new software also integrates with the Zune music player software Microsoft fib.

But, in addition to product features, in order to succeed, Microsoft also had the full support of the mobile phone manufacturers. The problem, both Samsung, LG, and HTC have offered products based on Android.

"We'll see how much support phone vendors to Microsoft because this is what makes Android a success. But, if you already have the iPhone and Android based phones, do we still need another phone?" Keane said

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