Internet Access on Planes Singapore Airlines

Internet on the plane probably not new. However, when such services would be used in the Singapore Airlines aircraft, this may be shocking news. Moreover, the airline flight path through several cities in Indonesia.

The airline has signed a contract with OnAir NV to perform a network installation of wi-fi in the aircraft cabin, so passengers can access the internet during the trip. In addition, BTS also installed special for passengers also can make phone calls with her cell phone.

"This is not a movement that aims to increase revenue. Customers are looking forward to this service because the world today are interconnected," said Nick Ionides, a spokesman for Singapore Airlines. With this service, customers can use laptops, cell phones, or smartphones like Apple's iPhone and the BlackBerry during flight.

Internet services and mobile phones in aircraft is prohibited according to current regulations as they may interfere with the signal frequency of flights. However, with advances in technology, interference issues can be resolved and can be used in several types of aircraft. For Singapore Airlines, the new service will be provided starting 2011 in the aircraft type Airbus A340-500s and A380s and Boeing 777-300 ER.

The existence of this breakthrough makes Singapore Airlines as the first major airline in Asia to offer Internet connectivity in the air. Previously, the Emirates in Dubai in July, also plans to offer a similar service in 2012.

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