New Ways Driving Car with Eyes

Drove a car with his hands is a common and often make you tired. Now, German researchers have developed a new technology, which allows the driver can drive a car using only the eye. Raul Rojas, an artificial intelligence researchers at the Free University in Berlin, on Friday (23 / 4) said that this technology uses the driver's eye movements, and in turn drive the car into any eye could see.

Rojas and his team presented the prototype technology, called eyeDriver such, under blue skies at the airport in Berlin. At that time a new eyeDriver can go up to 31 miles per hour. "The next step is to make the car sped up to 60 miles per hour," said Rojas.

For now, the practice is still relatively simple. eyeDriver show lively with pedestrians dodge or chasing another car on the asphalt. To move backward, the driver enough to just look into the rearview mirror car. "The biggest challenge is of course driving in the city with pedestrians and the many obstacles," added the Mexican-born scientist.

But until now, it remains unclear when or whether this technology will be commercialized. Because of safety and practicality eyeDriver still need attention. Like, what if the driver saw a beautiful girl on the street for a few seconds. Not to mention when you receive a phone call or type an SMS while driving.

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