AMD processors will Appeared in 109 Laptop

Competitor Intel, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is heading a super fast growth in the laptop market, thanks to the latest generation of chip-efficient that will be released soon.

According to inside sources familiar with the firm AMD said that the company's new microprocessor is expected to strengthen the main model 109 laptop in the next few months.

The company showed the best performance during the crucial selling season. Last year, AMD chips are only available in 40 model laptops.
"This is the first time we've seen so much attention on our notebooks," said the source.

While the shift in market share is not visible, but are typically more design wins wars sale, added the source.

Early signs of the newest line of chips that will be released next week, had received positive response from the PC manufacturer.

AMD has simplified the number of its bid under the Vision brand new, as well as an increase in battery life and performance.

On the first quarter of 2010, AMD represents a 12.1% sales worldwide mobile chips, according to IDC. While Intel's market share of over 87.8%.

Also AMD is also slowly trying to obtain a positive market share in recent years, both for desktop and netbook products in 2010, catch up on the lucrative server market, with the achievement at the end of the year 2009 with the share of 10.1% compared with 13, 4% in 2008.

Vision Processor Specification :

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