The Uno Bike is The Gyroscopic Electric Unicycle Motorbike

Canadian Inventor Ben Gulak of BPG-Technologies has developed a wild new green motorcycle that uses gyro technology to stay upright on its two side-by-side wheels. Acceleration is controlled by leaning forward to go faster, and leaning back to slow down.
The gyro tells the ECU how much to accelerate and that in turn delivers the proper amount of current to the electric motors, one for each wheel. Weighing in at a mere 129 pounds, the ‘bike’ has a top speed of 25mph and a battery life of 2 1/2 hours. The bike was recently unveiled for the first time at the 2008 National Motorcycle Show in Toronto

It seems that the electric uno bike is progressing - that’s super cool. They even have their websites - UnoCylce - BPG-Technologies.

Uno Bike Talked On Press
Uno Bike was listed and mentioned in the following Press:
1) Chicago Tribune
2) Popular Science
3) Motorcycle Mojo

Uno Bike Acclaimed Awards
The sensational unicycle motorbike won the following awards:
1) Invention of the Year (Popular Science Magazine)
2) Best Engineering (National Motorcycle Show)
3) Best in Category (Toronto Motorcycle Supershow)
4) Best Engineering (Toronto Motorcycle Supershow)

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