Weight Watchers
Okay I know what you're thinking, but there is a reason that you've heard of this classic diet: it really works. Focusing heavily on group support, the weight watchers diet allows a person of any age or fitness level to become healthier.

Sonoma Diet
This diet focuses mainly on changing your eating habits to the more Mediterranean side of the spectrum. There are multiple steps to this diet, the first of which is a period of 10 days when you attempt to cut out all processed foods and sugar, purging your body of impurities. From there the focus of the diet is on portion control.
Calorie Shifting

This is a fairly new diet and has really been making waves lately. The calorie shifting diet helps you burn calories by tricking your body into raising its metabolism. This is achieved by altering the patterns in which you eat your meals. It focuses less on what you eat and more on how you actually eat it. This diet has been highly effective for many people