Early Detection of Diabetes

Scientists in London, England, found a way to detect the possibility of having diabetes 10 years. "This test works by detect the molecular genetic level in the blood, molecules called microRNA (MIR), which also can detect people at risk of heart attack or problems with blood vessels." Told by Dr. Manuel Mayr, research leader at the University of London King.

Diabetes is a disease that can snatch the vision, the kidneys, even the heart. A disease that has killed thousands of people. Nevertheless, many people who just shrugged when asked about the possibility of this disease because their symptoms can indeed invisible.

World Health Organization (WHO) and International Diabetes Federation estimates more than 50 percent of people with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. They are generally new diabetes discovered during treatment for other diseases. The majority of patients with diabetes come to the doctor had brought a pile of complications.

London scientists this invention can be used as reference precautions for patients who have the possibility of diabetes.

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