Arabs consider Blackberry as an spy U.S and Israeli

State Police of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that has many reasons to press the Blackberry. Not only related to terrorism, the Arabs too suspicious if the Blackberry becomes a spy to U.S. and Israeli governments.

"The U.S. is the main beneficiary of the lack of control over the Blackberry data. Because they have the right to spy on the country the UAE," said Dubai Police Chief Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, as quoted by Reuters on Saturday (09/04/2010).

According to Tamim, Western countries have accused the Arabs as a restraint of freedom use the Blackberry but on the other hand they are even allowed to access data that exist in the blackberry. Western countries that Tamim was referred to the U.S., Israeli, British and others.

Unfortunately, Tamim did not explain further U.S. goals have an interest to spy on the UAE. Previously, Tamim even been blamed Israel for the death of Palestinian military leader who was in Dubai in January last.

UAE itself has been an ultimatum Blackberry manufacturer, Research in Motion (RIM) for blocking of the service, messenger, email or web browser, on 11 October. The decision will apply as if RIM can not provide access to encrypted data on the Blackberry Arabs who now has 500 thousand users.

Earlier in India, RIM is also getting the same pressure but the blockade was delayed because RIM has promised to provide such access to the Indian government.

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