Introducing Iran's Human Like Robot

Iranian officials have launched a human-shaped robot that can walk like humans, although his movements are slower. Surena second robot, called it weighs about 49.5 kilograms and has a height of 145 centimeters. This robot was developed by more than 20 experts robots at the University of Tehran.

As quoted by Iranian state television, a robot expert is currently developing a vision and voice capabilities to the robot. But still have not specified the sound to be owned by the robots. Not all tasks described Surena two or ability to be developed.

The launch of a robot which took place in Tehran, Saturday (3 / 7), attended by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In his speech, he said that his country often tries to show the technological accomplishments. Especially, in encouraging the emergence of new technologies to make Iran a regional power.

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