In the Age This Feeling Most Beautiful Women

Who says the age of 25 years is the peak of beauty a woman? Women look very attractive when she was 31 years old. That's according to a survey conducted by the television shopping channel in the UK, QVC.

Generally women in the age of 31 years was married and had children. But, precisely at that age they not only look beautiful but also self-confident, have better taste in terms of style compared to adolescent girls.

Approximately 70 percent of those surveyed in 2000, believes self-confidence as a key factor in creating an attractive woman. Nearly 67 percent of which covers 47 percent of physical beauty and sense of style that included.

More than two-thirds of women surveyed have a proposition beauty comes with the coming of age. Then, almost half said that age makes them feel safer and feel more beautiful. Meanwhile, 55 percent of respondents feel they know the best makeup to wear.

Depictions of confidence is also very varied. In London, England, women represent the most relevant self-confidence about their appearance, with 37 percent consider themselves beautiful, while only 28 percent of Welsh women.

This research was conducted by QVC as a program launch 'Beauty Month'. "This study shows what must always be considered. Beauty actually more of an appearance but the combination of confidence, style and personality as well," said Sue Leeson, marketing director at QVC, just as it is quoted from the Daily Mail.

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