Successful Prediction of Iranian scientists Menopause Period

Iranian scientists managed to find a formula to predict menopause women. With this prediction, it is hoped can help women determine the exact age of a child. Thus presentation of Persia's deputy physician in Rome, Italy, Sunday (27 / 6).

In the European Fertility Conference, Tehran claimed scientists took blood samples of 266 women aged 20 to 40 years. Then they tested the blood test to measure the amount of anti-müllerian hormone, or AMH in their bodies. The test results of AMH can tell doctors that the existing number of eggs in the ovary. Furthermore, they also underwent a physical examination and testing of two samples of blood the next six years.

As a result doctors can calculate the time will run out of women's ovaries. So expectant mothers can learn to identify early menopause in their late 40s or mid 50s. While previous studies only produced few clues to solve a problem pregnancy.

While fertility experts from Europe William Ledger who admitted some hesitancy with the findings said, "These findings can not be adopted directly. But if the study proves correct it will be very useful for young women to determine when to have the baby

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