Robo-Baywatch The Fastest Coast Guard

If you caught the waves, tired and barely able to keep your head above water. Then your hero appeared, a quadrangular buoy which is a robot. Robot lifeguard named EMILY will bring you safely back to shore.

This summer, EMILY which stands for Integrated EMergency Lifesaving lanYard began patrolling in Zuma Beach, Malibu, known to be dangerous, and will oversee about 25 people more in December. Although this version of the coast guard operates by remote control, but this robot will save victims of drowning and can detect that the victim is human.

Once thrown into the waves, coast guard EMILY with sonar devices that will scan underwater movement associated with the swimmer in a dangerous position. EMILY is run by electricity, such as Jet Ski with impeller speed of 28 mph and get a buoyancy device which will soon find himself the victim six times as fast as a human lifeguard.

The camera and speaker in the body EMILY human lifeguard would let the land to feel calm and ordered him to wait for human assistance and EMILY will last until the ferry arrived. EMILY automatic version will be sold next spring with a price of $ 3,500, said Tony Mulligan, CEO Hydronalix, Arizona company that develops robots that can work together with human lifeguard.

Brandon Chapman, who joined the coast guard EMILY test, saying, "The Coast Guard spent most of their lives at sea, learning how to act. You can not give that power to the computer. But I do not have sonar because it is the open sea, I would be slightly relax when EMILY can help.

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