CEATEC Japan 2009

CEATEC (Combined Exhibition of Advanced Technologies) Japan 2009
Below of Show Information CEATEC Japan 2009 :
* Tuesday, October 6 - Saturday, October 10
Premiere Time
* Tuesday, October 6, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Exhibition Hours
* Tuesday, October 6 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
* Wednesday, October 7 - Saturday, October 10, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Makuhari Messe (Japan)

Hundreds of companies have gathered to showcase their latest technology and hi tech at CEATEC Japan 2009, the largest consumer electronics trade show in Asia, which is being held at Makuhari Messe near Tokyo until October 10. Here are a few photos from CEATEC Japan 2009:

VAIO Concept
Sony also displayed a few concept items incorporating their flexible display technology, such as this future Vaio notebook

Hokodate, Squit Robot
Representatives from Hakodate showcased a pair of squid robots designed to attract attention to their area. The robots are part of an unorthodox campaign that includes some entertaining tourism promotion videos

Panasonic, Full HDTV
Panasonic exhibited their latest 3D display technology, which includes 50″ 3D Full HDTV plasma displays.

Nissan, Eporo
Nissan stole the show with their demonstration of the EPORO robot concept car, which travels in groups and is designed to avoid obstacles and collisions by mimicking the behavior of fish.

Fujitsu, Kaora Concept Phone
Designed by Wataru Igarashi, the KAORA concept features a curved design that can assume various configurations to suit different uses

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