Wrinkles in Face Triggers

Added age skin becomes thinner, dry, and no elastic. This then makes the skin loses the ability to be free from defects. From this early formation of wrinkles, which if left unchecked would disrupt the performance. Besides age, there are four factors that trigger wrinkle face uninvited.

1. Cigarette
Experts agree, there is a relationship between cigarette to the accelerated aging process. Not only the cigarette smoke, nicotine is smoked by a reduced blood flow to the skin. When blood flow is reduced, the skin nutrient deficiencies. This then makes the regeneration of skin cells do not go perfectly, which is followed by the appearance of wrinkles, wrinkles in the face. How to overcome that is not to be active or passive smokers.

2. Genetic
In certain people, the emergence of wrinkles faster apparently inherited. So if history is present in your families, most likely the wrinkles will be formed ahead of time. Quite difficult to find a solution for avoiding wrinkles in the face. But you can not keep dry skin by always using a moisturizer.

3. The skin is too white
Maybe you've heard, darker skin will look younger longer. Why, melamine dark-skinned people more numerous and dense, melamine, besides as a pigment the skin, also serve to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. How to avoid is either white or black owners, still need a sunscreen cream off an attack to ultraviolet A and B.

4. Sun exposure
Ultraviolet light, particularly ultraviolet A can freely penetrate the skin through collagen. When collagen is damaged, your skin loses its patron. To avoid this do not forget to use sunscreen cream every time outdoors.

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