Nokia and Intel Create 3D Hologram on mobile phone

Slowly but surely, Intel and Nokia is currently preparing a new breakthrough in the mobile world.

Nokia, Intel, and the University of Oulu Finland muster 24 researchers for this project.

Both big companies are working with the University of Oulu Finland, had opened a joint laboratory facilities to prepare a technology that can bring experience of virtual reality into the phone.

Research will use the open source operating system platform MeeGoo, Intel and Nokia, launched last February. The main objective is to develop the interface of three dimensional (3D) and virtual reality displays on existing technology, and possible development of 3D holographic images for smart phones.

With this technology, the phone will be capable of transmitting 3D holographic image of the person who was talking on the phone, which has just happened in science fiction films.

"3D and virtual worlds great potential to revolutionize the way people use mobile phones," said Mike tune, Strategic Alliances and Partnerships Director, Nokia, told Computerworld site.

One of the initial applications to be developed, is a mobile virtual control panel to control light switch and heating at home.

According to Heikki Huomo, director of the Center for Internet Excellence, University of Oulu Finland, this paper is not intended to create a 3D experience that can only be enjoyed by the special glasses, because the phone screen will not meet the physical requirements that owned a large 3D screen.

Another possibility of this application, according Huomo, create social networks in a virtual world for mobile phones that use GPS and location information of users. "This will be the 'killer app' or at least is a success," said Heikki Huomo.

This research center will be supported by about two dozen researchers who will work at least for three years for this project brewing.

Director of Intel Lab Europe, Martin Curley said that the focus of this research is the development of open source software that will complement Intel's chips besutan.

According to Jack Gold, principal analyst at J. Gold Associates, a research center is an early opportunity for Nokia and Intel to develop an operating system MeeGo.

3D can become such an important requirement for a mobile device sized width, such as tablet computers, or at least smart phone.

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