The next time osteoporosis will be make serious disease for inhabitant in Asia. On the year 2050 estimated 50 percent from osteoporosis cases in the world will be afoot in Asia, and will be economic and social burdensome for society and government.
International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), The Asian Audit Epidemiology, Cost and Burden Osteoporosis in Asia 2009, over 14 country in Asia that incident bone broken improved 2-3 fold in 30 early year. This cases happened because low consumption vitamine D and calcium.
Regional Managing Director Asia-Middle East Fonterra, Mark Wilson says IOF nearly same with inspection result bone health Anlene, that every country in asia findings around 40 percent examined riskiness osteoporosis disease, and findings vitamine C and calcium low consumption. WHO recommended calcium consumption 1000-1300 milligram/day but average in asia only 450 milligram/day.
Judy Stenmark from IOF says this data can be notable by government, professional health, and public that immediately for increased protective bone broken. Around one million will be suffering if not action with serious. Capable of proof osteoporosis disease seen in Hongkong, in the 40 latest years bone fracture patient up to 300 percent while 500 percent in Singapore. In Japan patient bone fracture on the age 75 increasing drastic in 12 latest years, in China 70 million people with age 50 years suffering osteoporosis disease.
Cyrus Cooper, Chair International Osteoporosis Foundation of Scientific Advisors says the government must be aid to people for fill up needs vitamine C and calcium especially poor people.
Preventif Key
In asia and all the world around 20 percent dead attributable bone fracture, osteoporosis. The actual this disease simple for prevention. The prevention program with watchfulness health bone since juvenility.
The best time for health bone is since juvenility, with for life sport, nutrition be sufficient, calcium be sufficient, and sunshiny on the morning be sufficient for vitamine D production in body, all this can be amplify for bone.
Joanne Todd, Health Platform Manager Fonterra said consciousness on threat osteoporosis disease in Asia is very important be pressed on prevention.